Tulisan Alumni

Karya Alumni Program BCF

Who Benefits from Economic Nationalism?

Ditulis Oleh : Aninda Dewayanti (Penerima Bakrie Graduate Fellowship Rajaratnam School of International Studies Nanyang Technological University 2017) Indonesia’s presidential candidates have been stepping up their campaigns. Much like in 2014, each camp claims strong nationalist credentials when it comes to the...
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So Much for Eradicating Corruption in Indonesia

  Ditulis Oleh : Aninda Dewayanti (Penerima Bakrie Graduate Fellowship Rajaratnam School of International Studies Nanyang Technological University 2017) Over the past week, tens of thousands of university students and activists gathered in some of the biggest simultaneous rallies across the Indonesian...
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Menuju STBM Berkesetaraan Gender dan Inklusif

Ditulis oleh : Fauzia Firdanisa (Penerima Bakrie Graduate Fellowship Rajaratnam School for International Studies Nanyang Technological University 2017) Pembangunan Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat diharapkan sungguh menyasar seluruh kelompok masyarakat tanpa ada satupun yang tertinggal (No One Left Behind). Namun dalam kenyataannya, masih...
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Unicorns and Millennials’ Aspirations

Ditulis oleh : Aninda Dewayanti (Penerima Bakrie Graduate Fellowship Rajaratnam School for International Studies Nanyang Technological University 2017) The term unicorn became a trending topic after the latest presidential candidate debate. Both candidates voiced support for unicorns through tax cuts, infrastructure and...
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