New Tensions in the South China Sea: Whose Sovereignty over Paracels?
China’s positioning of a state-owned oil rig in waters near the disputed Paracel Islands has led to increased tensions between China and Vietnam. While this has been seen as another demonstration of Chinese assertiveness, a closer look may tell a different story.
China’s Oil Rig Move: Casting Doubt on Neighbourliness
China’s recent move to locate its oil rig in disputed territory in the South China Sea has cast doubts about Beijing’s overtures for friendship and neighbourliness. What kind of great power does China intend to become?
MERS Alert and Polio Redux: Greater Vigilance Critical
The spread of the MERS and the re-emergence of the wild polio virus are troubling developments. These health risks should renew calls for closer regional and global cooperation on health security.
Indonesian Elections: Emulating India’s e-Voting
India’s 2014 elections far surpass those of Indonesia in terms of scale and voters, yet holds out lessons for Jakarta in the efficient management of the election process.